Create a Sponsor WIP

POST /v1/sponsors

Create a new sponsor.


name string Required
Name of the sponsor.

logo string Required

URL of the sponsor's logo. Image file must be publicly accessible.

URL should start with https protocol or request will be rejected.

level number Required
Level of the sponsor, must be between 1 and 5.

hasPage boolean, default false
Indicates if the sponsor has a dedicated page.

pageContent string
Content of sponsor's dedicated page, can contain HTML for formating the content.

website string
URL of sponsor's external website.

speakers array of object

List of speakers associated with the sponsor. Each speaker requires a valid email address.

If an email address does not correspond to an existing user with a speaker role, the platform will try to create a new account with the given data and grant it the speaker role.

If an account already exists, it will be added to the sponsor as is and will not be updated with transmitted data.

speaker attributes string Required
Valid email address of the speaker.

speaker.firstName string
First name of the speaker.

speaker.lastName string
Last name of the speaker.

speaker.username string

Username of the speaker. If none is defined, one will be automatically created with a sanitized combination of the last name, the first name, and a random 4-digit number.

Sample generated username: doe.jane#0000

speaker.avatar string

Image URL for speaker's avatar. Image file must be publicly accessible.

URL should start with https protocol or request will be rejected.

speaker.description string
Description of the speaker.

speaker.job string
Job of the speaker. string
Company the speaker is working for.

speaker.tags array of string
Tags that should be attached to the speaker. Listed tags that do not already exist will be created automatically.

speaker.timezone string
Timezone of the speaker, used to send emails and reminders with dates and times formatted to the speaker's timezone.

speaker.highlighted boolean, default false
Define if the speaker can be highlighted with the filter of the same name on the speakers page.

icon string

URL of the icon representing the sponsor. Image file must be publicly accessible.

URL should start with https protocol or request will be rejected.

color string
Hex color code representing the sponsor.

options object

Options related to the sponsor.

options attributes
options.displayInLobby boolean, default false
Indicates if the sponsor should be displayed in the lobby.

options.highlight boolean, default false
Indicates if the sponsor should be highlighted.

Sample request body

  "name": "Super Sponsor",
  "logo": "",
  "level": 3,
  "hasPage": true,
  "pageContent": "Empower Your Journey",
  "website": "",
  "speakers": [
      "email": "",
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "username": "SuperJane",
      "avatar": "",
      "job": "Tester",
      "company": "Comp Limited",
      "tags": ["Mentor", "Host"],
      "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
      "highlighted": false
  "icon": "",
  "color": "#ff5733",
  "options": {
    "displayInLobby": true,
    "highlight": false


If all provided data are valid and the sponsor is created successfully, the response will return the following attributes. Otherwise, it will return an error.

code string

message string

id string
Unique identifier of the created sponsor.

slug string
Slugified version of the sponsor's name.

speakers array of object

List of speakers added to the sponsor with reduced attributes.

speaker attributes string
Unique identifier of the speaker. string
Email address of the speaker.

speaker.password string

Passwords are automatically generated following the platform password settings for new speakers and are to be sent to the concerned users. We highly recommend asking the speaker to change their password when they first connect to the platform.

This attribute is never sent for existing speakers. User passwords are stored securely as described in our Password policy


The password should not be stored and is only returned so you can send it to the speaker.

Sample response

  "code": "ok",
  "message": "Sponsor created successfully",
  "id": "6627cb4d6f1f3e2d6cf414bb",
  "slug": "super-sponsor",
  "speakers": [
      "id": "66437659fca8f46f9fff96dc",
      "email": "",
      "password": "********************"