Update a Talk

PUT /talks/:id

Update an existing talk. Any attributes not provided will be left unchanged. Any provided attributes value will replace previous ones.


title string
Title of the talk, limited to 140 characters.

speakers array of object

List of speaker to attach to the talk, it requires at least 1 valid email addresse, a first name and a last name in each object.

If an email address does not correspond to an existing user with a speaker or admins role, the platform will try to create a new account whith given data and give it the speaker role.

It is highly recommended to provide all information possible for a better display experience of the speaker on the platform.

If an account already exists with the given email address, it will be added to the talk as is and will not be updated with transmitted data.

speaker attributes
speaker.email string Required
Valid email address of the speaker.

speaker.firstName string
First name of the speaker.

speaker.lastName string
Last name of the speaker.

speaker.username string

Username of the speaker. If none if defined, one will be automatically be created with a sanitized combination of the last name, the first name and a random 4 digit number.

Sample generated username: doe.jane#0000

speaker.avatar string

Image URL for speaker's avatar. Image file must be publicly accessible and use the https protocol.

speaker.description string
Description of the speaker.

speaker.job string
Job of the speaker

speaker.company string
Company the speaker is working for.

speaker.tags array of string
Tags that should be attached to the speaker. Listed tags that do not already exist will be created automatically.

speaker.timezone string
Timezone of the speaker, used to send emails and reminders with dates and times formated to speaker's timezone

speaker.highlighted boolean, default false
Define if the speaker can be highlighted with the filter of the same name in the speakers page.

description string
Description of the talk, can have a maximum length of 800 characters.

start date iso
Starting date of the talk, should be in the future and formated to iso format.

timezone string
Timezone where the talk should take place.

duration number
Duration of the talk in minutes, minimum is 1.

type string
Type of talk, should be one of the following list:
  • embedded use the integrated video solution Jitsi, no additional setup required.
  • rtmp use external streaming tool like StreamYard, OBS, etc. to generate RTMP video to stream on the platform.
  • youtube use YouTube as video solution, the Youtube Live video will be embedded in the talk page.
  • external use the talk page as a relay to redirect users on your video solution platform.
  • replay use the replay option for pre-recorded talks that can be viewed on demand.

video string
URL of the video file, stream, external room or YouTube live/video, depending on what is passed in attribute type:
  • embedded not needed, value will be ignored in this case.
  • rtmp video stream URL.
  • youtube YouTube live URL, must be to embedded format.
  • external URL to your video solution platform.
  • replay URL of the video file, must be publicky accessible.

cover string

URL of the image representing the talk, if none is provided it fallsback to first speaker avatar, then to platform's banner. Image file must be publicly accessible and use the https protocol.

links array of object
Can be used to add links to sites, resources, social networks, etc. Resources listed must be publickly accessible.
link attributes
link.label string Required

link.url string Required
The URL must use the https protocol.

track string
Track in which the talks should be. If the track do not already exist it will be created automatically.

tags array of string
Tags that should be attached to the talk. Listed tags that do not already exist will be created automatically.

hiddenTags array of string
List of tags passed through the talk as params in the URL when users come from external sources.

moderators array of object

List of moderators to attach to the talk, it requires at least 1 valid email addresse, a first name and a last name in each object.

Moderators are users with speaker or admins role that can speak in the talk and moderate it, whether it's the integrated video module or interactive elements such as chat, questions and surveys, they are not listed as being part of the talk.

By default, all users with admins roles are moderators of all talks of the platform so you don't need to add them manually.

If an email address does not correspond to an existing user with a speaker role, the platform will try to create a new account whith speaker role.

If an account already exists with the given email address, it will be added to the talk as is and will not be updated with transmitted data.

moderator attributes
moderator.email string Required
Valid email address of the moderator.

moderator.firstName string
First name of the moderator.

moderator.lastName string
Last name of the moderator.

moderator.username string

Username of the moderator. If none if defined, one will be automatically be created with a sanitized combination of the last name, the first name and a random 4 digit number.

Sample generated username: doe.john#0000

moderator.avatar string

Image URL for moderator's avatar. Image file must be publicly accessible and use the https protocol.

moderator.description string
Description of the moderator.

moderator.job string
Job of the moderator

moderator.company string
Company the moderator is working for.

moderator.tags array of string
Tags that should be attached to the moderator, they are listed in the same category than speakers' tags. Listed tags that do not already exist will be created automatically.

moderator.timezone string
Timezone of the moderator, used to send emails and reminders with dates and times formated to moderator's timezone

speaker.highlighted boolean, default false
Define if the moderator can be highlighted with the filter of the same name in the speakers page.

featured boolean, default false
Set to true to display the talk in the "Featured Talks" section of platform's homepage.

recommended boolean, default false
Set to true to display the talk in the "Recommanded" filter.

keynote boolean, default false
Set to true to highlight the talk in the agenda.

available boolean, default false
This apply only if property type is set to replay. Determine if a replay should be available as soon as created or only when the start date is reached.

features object

Interactive features that can be enabled or disabled at talk level.

Each of those features can be disabled at platform level, which will overwritte what is defined at talk level.

features attributes
features.chat boolean, default true
Set to false to disable the live chat for this talk.

features.questions boolean, default true
Set to false to disable the question module for this talk.

features.surveys boolean, default true
Set to false to disable the survey module for this talk.

features.viewersCount boolean, default true
Set to false to disable the display of the viewers count for this talk. Platform's admins will still be able to see it.

features.viewersList boolean, default true
Set to false to disable the display of the viewers list for this talk. Platform's admins will still be able to see it.

features.rewardsEarning boolean, default true
Set to false to prevent users to win gamification points viewing this talk.

features.freeLive boolean, default false
Set to true to give access to this talk without consuming user's credits when it is live.

features.freeReplay boolean, default false
Set to true to give access to this talk without consuming user's credits when it is a replay.

Sample request body

  "title": "Introduction webinar",
  "speakers": [
      "email": "speaker-email@domain.com",
      "firstName": "Jane",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "username": "SuperJane",
      "avatar": "https://domain.com/image-link.jpg",
      "job": "Tester",
      "company": "Comp Limited",
      "tags": ["Mentor", "Host"],
      "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
      "highlighted": false
  "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet curabitur lectus.",
  "start": "2024-05-15T10:20:19.454+00:00",
  "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
  "duration": 60,
  "type": "external",
  "video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ",
  "links": [
      "label": "Super resource",
      "url": "https://domain.com/link-to-resources"
  "track": "Community",
  "tags": ["Media", "Webinar"],
  "hiddenTags": ["campaign"],
  "moderators": [
      "email": "moderator-email@domain.com",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "username": "SuperJohn",
      "avatar": "https://domain.com/image-link.jpg",
      "job": "Tester",
      "company": "BeMyApp",
      "tags": ["Mentor", "Host"],
      "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
      "highlighted": false
  "featured": false,
  "recommended": false,
  "keynote": false,
  "available": false,
  "features": {
    "chat": true,
    "questions": true,
    "surveys": true,
    "viewersCount": true,
    "viewersList": true,
    "rewardsEarning": true


If all provided data are valid and the talk is updated with success the response will return the following attributes, otherwise it will return an error.

code string

message string

id string
Unique identifier of the updated talk.

speakers array of object

List of speakers added to the talk with reduced attributes.

speaker attributes
speaker.id string
Unique identifier of the speaker.

speaker.email string
Email address of the speaker.

speaker.password string

Password generated for speakers that had no account on the platform, to send to the user. We highly recommend asking the speaker to change their password when they first connect to the platform.

This attribute is never sent for existing speakers. Users password are stored securely as decribed in our Password policiy


The password should not be stored, it's only returned so you can send it to the speaker.

moderators array of object

List of moderators added to the talk with reduced attributes.

moderator attributes
moderator.id string
Unique identifier of the moderator.

moderator.email string
Email address of the moderator.

moderator.password string

Password generated for moderators that had no account on the platform, to send to the user. We highly recommend asking the moderator to change their password when they first connect to the platform.

This attribute is never sent for existing moderators. Users password are stored securely as decribed in our Password policiy


The password should not be stored, it's only returned so you can send it to the moderator.

Sample response

  "code": "ok",
  "message": "Talk updated successfully",
  "id": "6627cb4d6f1f3e2d6cf414bb",
  "speakers": [
      "id": "66437659fca8f46f9fff96dc",
      "email": "speaker-email@domain.com",
      "password": "********************"
  "moderators": [
      "id": "664377b105c9368ea7358bcf",
      "email": "moderator-email@domain.com",
      "password": "********************"