Update a User

PUT /users/:param

Update a user by its ID or its email.

User role cannot be updated through the API, this action can only be done in platform’s Back Office.


param string
Valid ID or email address of the user.

Sample request URL



email string
Valid email address of the user.

firstName string
First name of the user.

lastName string
Last name of the user.

username string

Username of the user. If none if defined, one will be automatically be created with a sanitized combination of the last name, the first name and a random 4 digit number.

Sample generated username: doe.jane#0000.

avatar string

Image URL for user's avatar. Image file must be publicly accessible and use the https protocol.

description string
Description of the user.

job string
Job title of the user.

company string
Company the user is working for.

tags array of string
Tags that should be attached to the user. Listed tags that do not already exist will be created automatically.

timezone string
Timezone of the user, used to send emails and reminders with dates and times formated to user's timezone.

country string
Country of the user.

city string
City of the user.

status string
Professional situation of the user, allows only the following values:
  • Employed
  • Looking for a job
  • Student
  • Freelancer
  • Working for a startup

website string

Website of the user, the URL must use the https protocol.

socials object

Social networks links of the user, URLs must use the https protocol.

socials attributes
socials.facebook string
Link to user's Facebook profile.

socials.linkedin string
Link to user's LinkedIn profile.

socials.twitter string
Link to user's Twitter profile.

socials.youtube string
Link to user's YouTube channel.

options object

Options relative to the user creation.

options attributes
options.highlight boolean, default false
Only supported for user of type Speaker, define if the user can be highlighted with the filter of the same name in the Speakers page.

options.endRegistration boolean, default false
Indicate if the user will have to review their information before completing the registration at their first connection to the platform. Set to true to skip the review.

Sample request body

  "email": "user-email@domain.com",
  "type": "Speaker",
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "username": "SuperJane",
  "avatar": "https://domain.com/image-link.jpg",
  "job": "Tester",
  "company": "Comp Limited",
  "tags": ["Mentor", "Host"],
  "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
  "country": "France",
  "city": "Paris",
  "status": "Employed",
  "website": "https://jane-doe.com",
  "socials": {
    "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/jane.doe",
    "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/janedoe/",
    "twitter": "https://twitter.com/janedoe",
    "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@janedoe"
  "options": {
    "highlight": false,
    "endRegistration": false


If all provided data are valid and the user is updated with success the response will return the following attributes, otherwise it will return an error.

code string

message string

id string
Unique identifier of the created user.

sideErrors array of object

If some, list of non blocking errors that occured after user update.

sideErrors attributes
sideErrors.message string
Side error message

sideErrors.error string
Error details

Sample response

  "code": "ok",
  "message": "User updated successfully",
  "id": "6627cb4d6f1f3e2d6cf414bb",
  sideErrors: []